Tim O'Hair

Executive Producer
Film Finance Consultant
Creative Consultant
University Professor
Panel Expert

Contact Tim

Tim O'Hair

Executive Producer
Film Finance Consultant
Creative Consultant
University Professor
Panel Expert

Contact Tim

Tim O’Hair is a veteran producer, entertainment executive, and educator whose mission is to help great people and projects succeed.

If you are starting out, at an impasse, or just seeking advice, reach out to an expert who will advise and consult.

Do you have an exciting project, in any stage? If so, I can help. I offer creative guidance, from treatment to screenplay, through the packaging and planning stages. If you have some parts lined up, I am happy to roll up my sleeves and provide the path to finance and distribution. Without taking over your project.

Are you seeking a career in entertainment? I can provide some guidance or even basic training and education. With over three decades in the entertainment industry as an executive, producer, speaker and educator, I have seen (almost!) everything. Not only have I been involved with scores of projects and many hires, I have been sharing my experience with college and graduate students in the classroom, and can offer strategic counseling and advice.


Executive Production Consulting Services

With a background as an executive and a formal education in finance, Tim has helped producers get their projects greenlit through even the most complex scenarios. Many producers, especially if they are in the independent world or lack distribution, often have difficulties pulling the pieces together and creating a bulletproof finance plan which is achievable. If you need consultation on matters relating to financiers and distributors, whether it’s closing deals or making a case for your financial pitch, Tim can help. He has long and deep relationships with banks, alternative lenders, bond companies, insurers, and can assist with the agreements necessary to close and fund your project.

    • Finance Plan Consulting
    • Film Sales consulting (US and International)
    • Distribution consulting
    • Financial Documentation review
    • Risk Analysis
    • Waterfall analysis
    • Negotiation consultation
Producing - Consulting Services

Tim O’Hair has produced and supervised pictures at every budget level, from festival indies to studio franchises – and he can bring his expertise and insight to your project. If you are in development, or even at the idea stage, he can offer you wise counsel on pitching or rewriting to bring your idea or script to the next level. Already have a script? Then packaging help might be in order, gathering the right elements at the right stage to lead to financing and distribution opportunities. Sticky negotiation? No problem, you can get timely dealmaking guidance. And if you are on the ground and are worried about preproduction, or dealing with anxious partners, Tim can provide guidance to keep things on track, as he’s a creative producer with financial acumen.

    • Creative
      • Development Analysis
      • Story Notes & Coverage
      • Talent packaging consulting
      • Editorial consulting – post
    • Finance, Business Affairs, Logistics
      • Budget and Schedule review
      • Deal and contract review
      • BTL/Department Head consulting
      • Location analysis
    • Intellectual Property – rights and chain of title search and analysis
Co-Production Consulting

Looking to capitalize on a strategic financial and creative situation, bringing together production elements from different countries or jurisdictions with different rules? Confused by treaties and subsidies? Get in touch for personal consultation how to put the puzzle together for maximum efficiency and potential success. Don’t make any assumptions in terms of how things work – talk to somebody who has gotten it done.

    • Incentive analysis
    • Bi-Lateral and Multilateral Treaty consultation
    • Co-Producer and Local Production Company consulting
Producer and Executive Training and Education

Whether you are just starting out, are looking for change, or want to deepen your understanding, additional education can help. Tim O’Hair teaches a popular course on The Entertainment Business, providing students a 360 degree view of entertainment including history, practices, and strategy. His goal if for students to know and understand the realities of the world they are in or might enter – shortcutting years of experience. He is also ready to teach you about film festivals and markets, whether you are a participant or an attendee. And he has trained many story analysts how to read and breakdown a script or film – let him teach you his process on what makes great coverage or studio notes, helping you start a career or side hustle as a major league reader. Remember, unlike Tim, many are out there teaching who have never delivered these documents to major studios or production companies.

    • Triangle approach to Producing
    • 360’ analysis of the Entertainment Industry
    • Film Festival 101 – Participant or Attendee
    • Train to be a Story Analyst (Reader)
    • How to “Read” a Film
Expert Witness Services

Other services offered include
(but are not limited to):

Project Advice

Do you have a feature you are putting together, perhaps packaging talent or structuring a co-production?

Personal Education

Single sessions of my popular university-level classes on the Entertainment business delivered LIVE, one on one, to the student (note: there will be required reading)

Bespoke creative services

Including coverage and notes on a feature film script.

Career advice

For students, recent grads, or those relatively new to the workforce – let me help you craft a strategy for your entry level job as you start to climb the Hollywood ladder

Advice for career changers

How might your experience and skill set help you cross over into Entertainment?

Tim O’Hair

Producer / Executive Producer / Film Finance Consultant / Creative Consultant / University Professor / Panel Expert

Tim O’Hair is a motion picture producer and executive with over 30 years’ experience managing studio and independent entertainment.

For nearly a decade, he ran Primeridian Entertainment, overseeing all development, finance, and production activities for the independent company.

O’Hair was a producer of the 2018 Irish hit BLACK ’47, an action drama set against the 19th century Irish famine which premiered at the Berlin Film Festival and was acquired by IFC for North America. He also produced A HOLOGRAM FOR THE KING, an international co-production directed by Tom Tykwer, starring Tom Hanks, and which premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival; as well as many other feature films.

A variety of projects remain in advanced development, including dramas based on the life of Soviet dissident Aleksander Solzhenitsyn, animated voice giant Mel Blanc, and topical documentaries.

Earlier in his career, O’Hair served as an executive at Universal Pictures, overseeing hits such as BRING IT ON and HULK; Orion Pictures International; and the Paradigm agency.

Currently a member of the Producers Guild of America (pga), a frequent speaker on film and film finance, and an active community volunteer, he received degrees from both Dartmouth College and Columbia University.

He and his family split their time between California and Ireland.

Movie Visuals & Behind the Scenes

Movie Visuals & Behind the Scenes


OK I’m sold - how does it work?

The initial step is getting some understanding – which would be to make contact and explain your specific needs. 

Second, any consultation will be on a time basis – there is no need to worry about credits, backend, or any other “ownership” issues! You retain full right and title to your project, and will receive all documentation to assure you of this – any work product is work for hire for you to use.  If there is a longer term need or project, a custom solution can be configured – and that even includes the private delivery of a university level course!

How much does it cost?

Consulting rates will be similar to hiring an attorney on an hourly basis. Development such as notes and coverage will be on the high end – but remember, this is work product from an experienced major studio executive and reader with many credits, there are others out there charging very high rates without any produced credits or experience with high end producers.

Do you work on contingency?

No. All work is prepaid, and the client owns all work product.

Will you produce my project?

No, this is the place to make requests for consulting, training, advice, or education from Tim O’Hair, not to approach or attach him as a Producer or Executive Producer.  Those submissions must come through known relationships, primarily Hollywood agents and lawyers.

Can I take your class?

Perhaps. Reach out and we’ll let you know where it is open to the public.


If any of the services that we offer seem right for you, please fill out the following form below so we can schedule a 5 minute introductory conversation completely FREE to you, no cost, no obligation. You decide whether you wish to proceed.

Please note:
1) These are NOT pitch sessions, but for consultation or education.

2) Tim will not accept unsolicited submissions of any kind (i.e., screenplays, treatments)